There are 3 satellites that will be covered in this instructable. We've made 2 videos on this process already, so if you prefer to watch over reading we've added them above. In this tutorial we'll be taking you through the whole process, from building your own antenna, to receiving the signals, to finally decoding the signals. Best of all, the equipment to do this is very cheap or can be made out of readily available materials. Encoded in those signals is everything from high res images of the earth, to the locations of arctic foxes in Canada, and a mountain of science data. What surprises people is that some of the satellites transmit signals that anyone can receive and decode. From weather imaging, to collecting science data, to relaying information between probes throughout our solar system, to telecommunications, to GPS, satellites are everywhere in our lives. But many of the satellites in orbit aren't just used for TV broadcasts. While everyone knows that there are satellites in orbit, most people don't think much of them or their capabilities, beyond making the TV work.